SidelineSwap connects athletes looking to buy and sell sports gear, including backpacks and bags for all needs. The platform helps keep sports equipment in use and out of landfills. With millions of users and a wide range of gear, SidelineSwap makes sports more affordable, accessible and circular for everyone.
(finding the right products)
How to Shop Circular
Buying used equipment is already circular. Sideline Swap helps even more with online buying guides and reviews on sports equipment, training, and more through its blog, "On the Sidelines." When you don't need the equipment anymore, sell it on Sideline Swap.
How to Be Circular
(end of life solutions)
BeCircular by listing your unneeded items for sale on Sideline Swap with a "Buy Now" price or accept offers from buyers. Use the Value Guide to determine your gear's worth and enjoy prepaid shipping. Boost sales and access advanced features with Sideline Pro. To see other options, check out MCW: BeCircular.